Welcome to Animal Rescuers Without Borders!
P.O. Box 712444 San Diego, CA 92171 (619) 977-3593 animalrescuers@sbcglobal.net

Making a Difference in Their Lives.
We are a non-profit & all breed rescue organization operating in the Baja, Mexico and San Diego, CA areas to rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome cats & dogs. Learn more about 

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 Scheduled Adoption Events

To see all events, visit our EVENT CALENDAR Page.

To make the most out of your time, we suggest you SUBMIT an adoption APPLICATION BEFORE an adoption event.

Check the animal attendance the morning before the event to confirm attendance of a particular rescue. In addition, please check the up-to-date animals attendance list 1 HOUR BEFORE an event to know if the dog or cat you want to meet is still attending.

Also remember to review important event information BEFORE attending.


Not ready to adopt a dog or cat? Have no time to volunteer or foster?

You can still help: a donation is a great way to help ARWOB! Any amount - large or small - is appreciated.

Find out other ways you can donate to ARWOB by visiting our donation page.

Foster a Rescue

Fostering is
  FREE and FUN! 

We not only provide you with everything you need to take care of one of our rescues, but the experience is SO fulfilling. By placing one animal into a foster home, you allow us to save another. We are always in need of foster parents.

Read more about our fostering program...


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Animal Success Stories
Our NEW BEGINNINGS in our forever homes!
Click on their pictures and see how far they have come!

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Click a letter to find an animal or view all.


We received a sweet photo of TJ enjoying her new BFF Mia.  Both kitties are ARWOB alumni and we always love success stories from repeat adopters!  TJ was adopted in May 2020 and she is a "tripod" kitty with only has one eye, but she continues to live a happy and healthy life with her family.  Now she has an ARWOB kitty sister named Mia, who was adopted from ARWOB in December 2022. Here they are snugging together in this cute photo.  Their adoptive mom, who is also a wonderful ARWOB volunteer, said that they enjoy playing together all the time too!



Quoia (fka Treat) was adopted in November 2022.  Her adoptive mom share this sweet "pupdate" with us.  We are delighted to find out that she's enjoying life with her new family!

"Treat (we changed her name to Quoia, like "Sequoia") is doing great! She's calmed down a bit from the puppy stage- she's not chewing on things as much, and doesn't have endless energy. Most days, I take her on a 1-2 mile jog, which she loves. My husband also takes her on hikes and to the Coronado dog beach often. But one of her absolute favorite things is to sun bathe :) She loves our kids and our kids love her. We also have 2 cats that seem to be tolerating Quoia more and more. She really is such a sweet girl and we are very thankful for her being able to join our family!"


Atticus (fka Tyson) was adopted in October 2022.  We received a fantastic "pupdate" from his adoptive dad.  Atticus is living the good life!

"I appreciate you checking on him. He, Atticus, is doing amazing well. He has not needed any professional training and everyone that comes into contact with him can’t believe how well behaved he is. He is smart, friendly, and social. He brings nothing but joy to our lives. We bring him most places with us when we go out and he is a hit everywhere we go."


Harley (fka Trick) was adopted from ARWOB in October 2022.  We received this sweet "pupdate" from her adoptive mom and it sounds like Harley really won the jackpot!  Here is what her mom has to say about her:

"She is doing great! We are actually calling her Harley now. She is a very calm and sweet puppy and has taken to training very well. She can sit, stay, lie down, and drop it. She is still working on leash training and loves to go with us on adventures! She has lots of toys that she loves to play with, but sticks are still her favorite. She loves people and other dogs. Our neighbor's dog is her very best friend and sometimes we take them outside together for little playdates. In the evenings, she will drag her doggy bed to wherever we are, so she can snuggle up and be close to us. She is a very good puppy and we are so happy we adopted her! Thank you so much for checking in with us."


Toodles (now known as Luna) was adopted in October 2022 and we received this lovely update from her adoptive mom.  I sure sounds like she won the jackpot with her new family!

"She is doing very well! She’s so happy, purrs all the time and LOVES snuggles. She loves to curl up next to us or on our laps and gives us head rubs and licks, and she always asks to sleep with us. She’s very inquisitive and loves exploring (we often find her in our laundry hamper or trying to squeeze behind our TV table). She also really loves watching the outside world through the windows. She’s such a healthy little girl and we love her like nothing else. She’s incredibly energetic and always brings a smile to our faces. She’s so good with strangers and she’s won over everyone she’s met. She’s also very good with my boyfriend’s family dogs and loved coming with us to visit her grandparents for the holidays, where she got a whole entire house to explore! Thanks so much for helping us adopt her! We really are over the moon, she brings so many smiles/so much happiness and laughter into our lives."

Click a letter to find an animal or view all.
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