Welcome to Animal Rescuers Without Borders!
P.O. Box 712444 San Diego, CA 92171 (619) 977-3593 animalrescuers@sbcglobal.net

Making a Difference in Their Lives.
We are a non-profit & all breed rescue organization operating in the Baja, Mexico and San Diego, CA areas to rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome cats & dogs. Learn more about 

ARWOB on Facebook   ARWOB on Instagram   ARWOB on Twitter


 Scheduled Adoption Events

To see all events, visit our EVENT CALENDAR Page.

To make the most out of your time, we suggest you SUBMIT an adoption APPLICATION BEFORE an adoption event.

Check the animal attendance the morning before the event to confirm attendance of a particular rescue. In addition, please check the up-to-date animals attendance list 1 HOUR BEFORE an event to know if the dog or cat you want to meet is still attending.

Also remember to review important event information BEFORE attending.


Not ready to adopt a dog or cat? Have no time to volunteer or foster?

You can still help: a donation is a great way to help ARWOB! Any amount - large or small - is appreciated.

Find out other ways you can donate to ARWOB by visiting our donation page.

Foster a Rescue

Fostering is
  FREE and FUN! 

We not only provide you with everything you need to take care of one of our rescues, but the experience is SO fulfilling. By placing one animal into a foster home, you allow us to save another. We are always in need of foster parents.

Read more about our fostering program...


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Animal Success Stories
Our NEW BEGINNINGS in our forever homes!
Click on their pictures and see how far they have come!

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Click a letter to find an animal or view all.


Fern and Willow were adopted together in March 2022.  Here is what their adoptive mom had to report:

"They are doing great! They completely took over the house in about 3 hours and we are enjoying them so much!"


We received a sweet "pupdate" about Patty (fka Falcor).  She was adopted in March 2022 and her adoptive mom just loves her.  Here is what she had to say about Patty.  I sure sounds like a match made in heaven:

"What a personality this one has!! She is SOOO much fun! She is very happy and so are we! We changed her name to “Patty” since I adopted her on St. Patrick’s Day. It suits her better. She had her first Vet appointment on April 16th and received the remainder of her shots needed. The doctor said she looks real good. She has also had several baths. We still are doing crate training and she seems to do well. We periodically let her free in the house when running errands to see how she does. So far so good. No professional dog training yet. So far, I have a good handle on it. She is pretty sharp. She was a GREAT choice!! I wish you could see how happy she is. She’s my little nut!"


We received a sweet update about Emmett (fka Flounder).  He was adopted in March 2022 by a wonderful family that has 2 other felines in the home.  Here is what they have to say about him:

"Emmett (formally known as Flounder) has settled in great. He's made friends with the two senior cats we already had and has helped raise the energy level and get them up and moving more, which was my goal with adopting him. My husband and I love him too, he's a very good companion."


Flounder had been with ARWOB for close to 10 months and he finally found his perfect forever home (March 2022).  His new family shared this adorable photo with us.  He is living with his feline siblings, Sarabi and Titan, enjoying life as part of a dynamic trio of kitties!


We received a spectacular "pupdate" about Jax (fka Flip).  He was adopted in April 2021.  Here is what his adoptive mom has to say:

"I hope you and the ARWOB team are all doing well! My own ARWOB Tijuana pup (Jax, formerly known as Flip) turned 1 year old last month, so we threw a fiesta to celebrate! All the goodest boys and girls came out to celebrate with him at the Fiesta Island Dog Park. Even his foster mom and her family stopped by to wish him a happy birthday. Thank you for connecting me with Jax. Adopting him has been one of the best decisions I've ever made."

Click a letter to find an animal or view all.
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