Informational Articles
Here is a list of links to articles regarding basic canine and feline care. Most of these artcles can be found online where you can further explore how to properly address your animal's health and behavioral needs.
Websites and Special Alerts:
Here are good resources regarding pet care, nutrition, behavior and much more!
Sweetener found in nut butters, sugarless gum can be deadly for dogs, FDA cautions
Why Have a Pet Trust?
Fix Finder Low Cost Spay and Neuter Database
Essentials for Indoor Cat Happiness
High-Rise Syndrome: Lifesaving Tips for Cat Parents
Toxic and Non-Toxic Plants - Cats
Pet Health, Safety, and Behaviorial Resources (For Dogs and Cats)
Additional Dog Care Information:
Reading Canine Body Language (pdf)
Crate Training Difficulties
What Your Dog's Favorite Toy Says About Her Personality
Is your adopted dog having issues going potty while on leash? Here are some good website resources:
House Training the Adult or Adoptive Dog
Re-housetraining Your Adult Dog
What's Up With Dogs Who Won't Potty on Leash?
Help! My Dog Won't Pee on Leash! What Do I Do?
Additional Cat Care Information:
General Cat Care (pdf)
Litterbox Problem Preventions (pdf)
Litterbox problems (ASPCA)
Litterbox avoidance 101 (Jason Galaxy)
Destructive Scratching (pdf)
Solving Cat Aggression (pdf)
Other Information (English):
Why Spay & Neuter? (pdf)
Top 10 Human Medications that Poison Our Pets
What you should know about over-the-counter flea products
Lost Pet Statistics
Pet Overpopulation and Shelter Statistics
Educational Videos:
Spanish Information:
Resources For Rehoming Pets:
For more information about programs through the San Diego Humane Society, please click on this link:
Additional Helpful Information for Dog Owners: