Update from Gaby's mom, 9/12/10: "We have moved to a new house. Gabby is so healthy and fluffy. She is our spoiled rotten princess. We had a carpenter convert an old pantry into a custom "mouse house" with granite counter tops just for her! She sleeps with the doggies and with me and is the best thing under 10lbs that has happened to this family. Oh we LOVE her. " Gaby's new mom has happy news to report about Gaby's new and happy life: Gabby Truffles is doing wonderfully and she is the boss of the pack....she truly runs the show. She actually steals the boys toys and lays on their beds and they will lay there and cry for me to make her get up. It is hilarious! We have a sock with two tennis balls inside of them that I use for physical therapy on my back and Gabby can pick up the whole sock and she carries it around and snuggles it like it is her baby. She is the most hilarious cat ever. And she is really getting well trained. Crazy cat jumped in the pool the other day and swam back out. She is an absolute nut! We got her a new kitty house that she adores and I could not imagine life before she was with us. I attached a photo just to keep you guys updated. Thank you again for our sweet sweet girl. She was the missing piece in our family and gives us so much love and fun and laughter. She could not be a more perfect cat and she matched perfectly with our family! Wish you and all of your babies the best!!