Welcome to Animal Rescuers Without Borders!
P.O. Box 712444 San Diego, CA 92171 (619) 977-3593 animalrescuers@sbcglobal.net

Making a Difference in Their Lives.
We are a non-profit & all breed rescue organization operating in the Baja, Mexico and San Diego, CA areas to rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome cats & dogs. Learn more about 

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 Scheduled Adoption Events

To see all events, visit our EVENT CALENDAR Page.

To make the most out of your time, we suggest you SUBMIT an adoption APPLICATION BEFORE an adoption event.

Check the animal attendance the morning before the event to confirm attendance of a particular rescue. In addition, please check the up-to-date animals attendance list 1 HOUR BEFORE an event to know if the dog or cat you want to meet is still attending.

Also remember to review important event information BEFORE attending.


Not ready to adopt a dog or cat? Have no time to volunteer or foster?

You can still help: a donation is a great way to help ARWOB! Any amount - large or small - is appreciated.

Find out other ways you can donate to ARWOB by visiting our donation page.

Foster a Rescue

Fostering is
  FREE and FUN! 

We not only provide you with everything you need to take care of one of our rescues, but the experience is SO fulfilling. By placing one animal into a foster home, you allow us to save another. We are always in need of foster parents.

Read more about our fostering program...


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Animal Success Stories
Our NEW BEGINNINGS in our forever homes!
Click on their pictures and see how far they have come!

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Click a letter to find an animal or view all.


We received a nice update about Sushi, who was adopted last week (November 22, 2021). 

“Thank you again for all the help with Sushi last weekend! He is the sweetest cat ever, and it seems like he and Jackie are making good progress towards peaceful cohabitation.”


We received a nice update about Siri, who was adopted in July 2021. She is enjoying life with her kitty sibling!  Here is what her adoptive mom has to say:

"I've taken her to a physical exam last month, she is over 7lbs right now, the vet said she is very healthy and strong, everything is on the right track. Our family is so happy to have her with us, she is just a sweet angel, trying as much as she can to get close to you. She has a good relationship with my other cat as well, every day they are just chasing each other, licking each other, and sharing food (or fighting for one more spoon of tuna lol). I'm so glad to have her with me."


We received a sweet update about Figaro (fka Sirius), who was adopted in August 2021.  He has become BFFs with both his human sibling and his feline sibling!  Here is what his adoptive mom has to say about him:

"Figaro (we renamed him!) is a wonderful addition to our family! He follows us around the house, plays with my 3 yr old, and has really brought our older cat out of his shell. He is so sweet and is so social, he is always in the same room as us. The best thing is my toddler will carry him around the house and he is so patient and kind with her. He’s our little buddy and we are so lucky to have him!"


We received a nice update about Saffron, who was adopted in August 2021 and is living her best life with her feline sibling, Mr. Meowgi. Here is what her adoptive mom has told us about her:

"Saffron is doing very well and is very spoiled. She is getting big and LOVES her dinner. She has so much energy and enjoys playing with her friend Mr. Meowgi, our other kitty. She also enjoys cuddling at night and attacking our feet. We are so happy with this big personality."


We received a sweet "pupdate" about Sadie, who was adopted from ARWOB in April 2021.  Here is what her adoptive Mom has to say about her:

"Thank you for checking in with me and Sadie. She has brought joy to our household. She is the same size as when I got her. We are busy training her on her digging habit. She enjoys picking my granddaughter up from school as is great with all the kids giving her pets. I am grateful to have found her. Here are a few photos to share with my granddaughter her frenchton and rides to Big Bear Lake CA. She is a great companion in the mountain for hikes. She also enjoys going to dog beaches in San Diego.  Sadie is a a really good dog. She has helped me in my grief of losing my other dog that I had for 15 years. Sadie and I were a great match, all the family loves her."

Click a letter to find an animal or view all.
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