Welcome to Animal Rescuers Without Borders!
P.O. Box 712444 San Diego, CA 92171 (619) 977-3593 animalrescuers@sbcglobal.net

Making a Difference in Their Lives.
We are a non-profit & all breed rescue organization operating in the Baja, Mexico and San Diego, CA areas to rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome cats & dogs. Learn more about 

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 Scheduled Adoption Events

To see all events, visit our EVENT CALENDAR Page.

To make the most out of your time, we suggest you SUBMIT an adoption APPLICATION BEFORE an adoption event.

Check the animal attendance the morning before the event to confirm attendance of a particular rescue. In addition, please check the up-to-date animals attendance list 1 HOUR BEFORE an event to know if the dog or cat you want to meet is still attending.

Also remember to review important event information BEFORE attending.


Not ready to adopt a dog or cat? Have no time to volunteer or foster?

You can still help: a donation is a great way to help ARWOB! Any amount - large or small - is appreciated.

Find out other ways you can donate to ARWOB by visiting our donation page.

Foster a Rescue

Fostering is
  FREE and FUN! 

We not only provide you with everything you need to take care of one of our rescues, but the experience is SO fulfilling. By placing one animal into a foster home, you allow us to save another. We are always in need of foster parents.

Read more about our fostering program...


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Animal Success Stories
Our NEW BEGINNINGS in our forever homes!
Click on their pictures and see how far they have come!

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Click a letter to find an animal or view all.


Rose and Flash (fka Slash) were adopted together a few weeks ago. They seem to be making themselves at home! We are very excited for them and hope they continue to love their new forever family (and each other).


We are over the moon for Shuri! She was with ARWOB for just over two years and she finally won the jackpot. Her purrfect forever family found her and now she is living a life full of love and happiness. Here is what her adoptive family has shared with us:

"As you can see, we kept her name as it is the epic sidekick sister in Black Panther and also, no other names seemed fitting as we had been referring to her as "Shuri" since the day we saw the post. Shuri is our dream cat. She is taking her time to warm up to us, but has shown such quick improvement that we are amazed. For the most part she is as Elaine told us, she loves to be in the same room as us: near but not necessarily touching. We have had such success in the past week though with her taking naps next to us on the couch, laying on our chests, and cuddling in between our legs. She tends to be the most feisty/playful in the early morning and evening ... so we give her what she wants (plenty of toys, play wand, rubber ball, etc.) She has two cat climbers already (yes, she's spoiled) and loves being in the cubby sections and top/highest section. Shuri LOVES the windows in our house and LOVES the staircase. She pops her head in and out of each stair, takes shortcuts through the stairs, and lays on the landing. She is talkative and full of opinions and we adore that about her. She really has captured our hearts so quickly and has done very well with the transition here and our expectations of her (no counters, etc.) She is loving, beautiful, and forever our furry friend. We cannot thank you enough for the honesty in the process, as that kept our expectations based in reality, and the speed with which we were able to call her "ours." We are so fortunate and cannot wait to give her a long life of safety, happiness, and love."


We received this adorable update about Lenny and Squiggy (fka as Deputy and Sheriff):

"Wanted to send you an update on Deputy and Sheriff, aka Lenny and Squiggy. The boys have settled in well and now claim our home as their own—we’re just the hired help. Both came a long way these past few weeks and are total cuddlers. They seem to be getting comfortable with their unique identities and don’t require be with each other 24 hours a day—just 23...and a half. They still love their vigorous games of tag at times we fear the kitty trees (and walls to the house) will topple. Their chatter as both increased in intensity and volume—I’m sure there are some four-letter words in there, but we’d rather not know. Thanks again for your help to bring these wonderful boys into our lives."


Shimmy was adopted from ARWOB in February 2018. Her adoptive mom shared this funny photo with us, along with the following caption: "How Shimmy is feeling about Meepo not social distancing."


We received this lovely update about Gertie (fka Squid):

"We are so in love with Squid! We named her Gertrude "Gertie." She has such a big personality and she's proving to be a little Houdini! She literally climbed out of a pen we set her up in the backyard and wiggled out of her strappy harness. She is super smart as well. She learned how to use our doggy door within 2 minutes! She is also a great leash walker. She loves being near us so whenever we walk, she's right by our heel. We are create training her at night. She's a fast learner so I'm sure she'll be joining us in our bed soon. Thank you so much for allowing us to adopt her! She and Griz are very playful with one another. We can't wait to share many more photos of them with you."

Click a letter to find an animal or view all.
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