Welcome to Animal Rescuers Without Borders!
P.O. Box 712444 San Diego, CA 92171 (619) 977-3593 animalrescuers@sbcglobal.net

Making a Difference in Their Lives.
We are a non-profit & all breed rescue organization operating in the Baja, Mexico and San Diego, CA areas to rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome cats & dogs. Learn more about 

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 Scheduled Adoption Events

To see all events, visit our EVENT CALENDAR Page.

To make the most out of your time, we suggest you SUBMIT an adoption APPLICATION BEFORE an adoption event.

Check the animal attendance the morning before the event to confirm attendance of a particular rescue. In addition, please check the up-to-date animals attendance list 1 HOUR BEFORE an event to know if the dog or cat you want to meet is still attending.

Also remember to review important event information BEFORE attending.


Not ready to adopt a dog or cat? Have no time to volunteer or foster?

You can still help: a donation is a great way to help ARWOB! Any amount - large or small - is appreciated.

Find out other ways you can donate to ARWOB by visiting our donation page.

Foster a Rescue

Fostering is
  FREE and FUN! 

We not only provide you with everything you need to take care of one of our rescues, but the experience is SO fulfilling. By placing one animal into a foster home, you allow us to save another. We are always in need of foster parents.

Read more about our fostering program...


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Animal Success Stories
Our NEW BEGINNINGS in our forever homes!
Click on their pictures and see how far they have come!

Please visit our Success Stories page to read all of our stories!

We can't thank you enough for saving "Doogie" he is the sweetest most amazing puppy, and has stolen our hearts in just a few days! We decided to re-name him "Charlie", he is already getting used to his new name and home, loves playing with his brother and sister, taking lots of naps, and using our fountain in the backyard as his own personal water bowl! We love him already, and he has fit right into our family. It was such a pleasure meeting you and Charlie's foster parents, we are so grateful for all the angels that made it possible for him to be part of our family. :) ~Teri (10.6.2013) Here is a recent picture of Charlie- he has grown in every way- when we first got him he was smaller than our golden- now he barely fits on the couch! He is over 100 pounds, but sits in our laps, and jumps in bed with everyone in our family. We love him so much, and are so thankful you saved him. All the best- Teri (3.5.2014)


We received a spectacular "pupdate" about Charlie (fka Doogie), who was adopted from ARWOB in October 2013!  Here is what his adoptive mom has to say about him.

"We adopted Charlie from you over six years ago, and are so thankful that he is in our family. He is the sweetest, most gentle, and goofy dog. He is up for any adventure, loves his golden retriever sister, driving in the car, playing in the snow, hiking, and snuggling on our laps even though he is now 130 pounds! He truly is the heart of our home. Thank you for all that you do to save animals. Our family would not be the same without Charlie."

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