Our kitties are mostly grown up, however, they still have a little kitten in them. They love to play, I had the laser light on the ceiling today and they concentrate so intently on the light, it is so funny. Bonnie is a loving little monster, she is almost 9 lbs. She runs around the house like her behind is on fire, she is too cute and funny. She likes to sit in my wife's lap and purr when she is not prancing around. Bogie (Clyde) is 15 lbs. and thinks he is going to grow up to be a mountain lion. He is a laid back cat and is becoming more friendly every day. He loves to eat, and never gets filled up. When we clean fish (I love to fish) they stand on their hind legs so we don't forget them. Our old cat Sparky had to be put down 2 weeks ago, at almost 18 years old. His time with Bonnie and Bogie was special, he was so happy with them and they keep sniffing around looking for him. --Tim and Fran