Annie was rescued off the streets of Baja and is a typical baja mutt. We don't know her breed but she resembles a terrier mix. She is a young dog in the 1-2 year old range who was rescued off the streets when she was noticed with a severely injured eye and pregnant roaming the streets scared.
She was safely rescued and taken to the vet clinic where the veterinarian determined the eye had to be enucleated and spayed.
Annie is now in San Diego and we have learned she is a loving dog who needs a gentle loving calm home. She can be terrified of new things at first and does NOT do well with loud noises especailly rough yelling humans, she needs postive talk and even baby talk will win her over and approach for lots of loving. She is a very gentle social young dog who easily appproaches humans for loving but she needs to feel comfortable first, baby talk is the way to Annies heart....as well as FOOD! She goes crazy for food even carrots! Annie is a pretty quiet and easy going dog but LOVES to play and rump around with dog friends, once she burns some energy playing around she is calm most of the day loving to hoard her toys and sun bathe. She is crate trained and has not had accidents in the home while having access to the yard, She spent a weekend with a volunteer in an apartment and did well as well, this is what her weekend stay over volunteer has to say:
"She was very anxious for the first few hours. I could tell she was very on edge and easily startled by noises, so I think her having a quiet environment helped her decompress and ease up a little. After a few hours, she started wagging her tail and coming up to me. Keeping the environment quiet, letting her explore, giving her lots of assurance through petting and affection, and just being patient with her was crucial in her easing up.
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